Categories Lifestyle

Bold New Look For Athens’ Fresh Hotel by Paola Navone

Working with renowned Italian interior designer Paola Navone’s Otto studio, Fresh Hotel in Athens unveils a bold expansion and fresh new look. Connecting its original modernist building with a neighboring neoclassical structure, the hotel now opens to one of the city’s most historic boulevards and features a brand-new…

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Categories Lifestyle

Why Are Trailers So Popular in the United States?

One of the most common forms of housing in the US is trailers. These are portable dwellings that may be transported around the nation and utilized as long-term or transient residences. Although Millennium Trailers are frequently connected with camping and outdoor activities, they may also be used as…

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Categories Lifestyle

Contemporary Architecture Tour by Bike 

Discover new and modern buildings, breathe the fresh air, mix healthy lifestyle with learning process, this is all about contemporary architecture tour by bike. Today bikes are becoming extremely popular for these kinds of tours. Bikes are becoming increasingly popular for these types of tours. This, in turn,…

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